WONDER- announcement of writers and actors for live show and podcast
Following some great workshops with the talented writers and performers of Ashford and beyond, we are super excited to announce the writers and actors for the WONDER show, taking place in the opulent and grand surroundings of St Mary's Church in Ashford, on 21st March at 7.30pm. Please come along and join us for a magical evening, with tons of original and amazing short stories, with games, competitions and prizes, plus teapot cocktails and free cakes and other treats.
We are equally delighted to announce our wonderful writers for the podcasts- release dates to follow. Some of the stories will be recorded in the church and grounds... and we are delighted to be joined by actors Emma Waterford and Jack Trow. See link below to book tickets

Writers for the live show include Jools Abrams- "The Red Suitcase" Nathalie Abi-Ezzi "The Lady in the Floor" Cathy White "Stop the Clock" Pippa Gladhill "The Whale"
Deb Tor "Fairies Wanted" Fiona Vigo Marshall "Library of Dreams" Deb McGee " Shine" Anthony Gooding: "Peter and Terry sit on a quay- a cat annoys a gull" Tessa Ivory: "The Rook" Fransesca Baker: "Festival Secret"
Writers for the podcasts include Zac Thraves: "Wonder Man" Debra Gaskin: "Froth a top a latte" Malcom Dixon: "Roger" Jo Tandy: "The Women on the Bus " Fiona O Brien: "Wonder" Bella Basura: "Granny Takes A Trip" Niamh Bagnell: "OK Daddy Long Legs and the Infinite Web" Ian Mcdonald: "The Old Shooting Gallery" Sue Mcgonigal: "Heaven Sent"
For tickets please go here